Daked Derb™

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hey everyone. Right now, it is about 6:45 in the morning. Yes! I'm up early, I know, couldn't sleep again. Anyways, while the coffee was brewing, I started messing around with my email application, and discovered a calendar tool. With a little bit of fiddling and a couple downloads, I was luckily able to get it to work with google calendars, so now I can just set my schedule out for the day in the morning and it automatically gets synced up over at google. I posted the link over to the side, in my links section. While I'm at it, I think I'm going to go ahead and update the checklist I made in my last post, seemingly forever ago I'm sure.

_X_ Commercial Single Engine (CPSEL)- Phoenix East Oral Exam and Flight

_X_ Commercial Single Engine - FAA Oral Exam, Flight, and Certification

_X_ Certified Flight Instructor Instrument (CFII) - Enrollement

_X_ CFII - Flight Training (On average 7-10 flights)

_X_ CFII - Ground Training (Which includes both 1on1 time with my instructor, as well as tutoring other students)

_X_ FAA Fundamentals of Instructing Written Exam

_X_ FAA CFII Written Exam

_X_ CFII - Phoenix East Oral Exam and Flight

_X_ CFII - FAA Oral Exam, Flight, and Certification

_X_ Certified Flight Instructor (Primary, CFI) - Enrollment

___ CFI - Flight Training (begun)

___ CFI - Ground Training (begun)

___ FAA CFI Written Exam

___ CFI - Phoenix East Oral Exam and Flight

___ CFI - FAA Oral Exam, Flight, and Certification

___ Pheonix East Aviation Instructor Standardization.

So, thats it! The end is in sight, just a few more flights, lessons, tests, and I'm done.