Daked Derb™

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Welcome to the Florida Keys! This is the view I had today flying down to Marathon Key. 
The sun finally gave my eyes a break and decided to pass behind a cloud, so I took a quick picture. It was a great trip, from climbing to nearly 10000 feet to go over a shower in Melbourne on the way there, flying 500 feet off the water just off the coast next to the Miami Skyline,
Eating a Pizza Hut buffet because it was the only thing close to the airport and they didn't have
a courtesy car, and the grand finale, flying through thick radiation fog following a shower into Daytona Internatiol Airport at around 9:30 at night. It was a fun trip, and the following are some of the pictures I took of the Miami Skyline.
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Monday, November 20, 2006

Flying Safety Tip

Good morning everyone! It is about 6:15 am here, and I'm just sitting at my computer waiting for time to go to class. I was doing some extra research today for a presentation I need to give in class about medical certification when I ran across this. This is a link to an announcement by the FAA called an Advisory Circular about the reduced effectiveness of oxygen masks on men with beards. So, for all you safety men out there, remember to shave your beard before you go flying on that airliner! In the case of an emergency, the extra oxygen could help you combat the effects of what is called hypoxia, which is basically when the brain doesn't get enough oxygen.

Anyways, for anyone who is interested, my presentation today is on 14 CFR Part 67, which can be found online here. 

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The two latest additions to my wall, with help and inspiration from Sarah Kaye :) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Crosswind Landings

No pictures in this post, just a video. Basically, this is a strip where Boeing tests the capabilities of their aircraft. This video shows Boeing testing their aircraft's ability to land in a crosswind, and also testing the side loading capabilities of the landing gear. My crosswind landings seem pretty tame, now, in comparison to what these test pilots are able to do.


The best part of waking up. Drinking coffee and gaining coherency! Although saying something like, "The best part of waking up" really is relative. It is like saying, "The best part of being tortured" or "The best part of falling down a flight of stairs". Atleast waking up before the sun rises :P Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Final Countdown

Cue music... The Final Countdown!!! Yes, thats the song I listened to this morning as I went to the airport today and started my flight instructor ground school. I also received this package today, a rather large stack of books as well as a dvd that I will need for the Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) course. LOTS of new material for me to go through, but I'm ready. Posted by Picasa

Test Test Test... Does this software work? This is just a screenshot from a game called Freelancer... Posted by Picasa